Thursday, May 28, 2009

Week 8 - Update on Supreme Court Case

As of today I have researched new things about the court case of Roe vs. Wade. I found out some very interesting facts about the case in 1973 as well as what "Jane Roe" is doing today.

Apparently she had been at the Notre Dame graduation ceremony when President Barack Obama had been speaking. She was protesting the protestors that had come to speak about how they do not believe in what President Barack Obama stands for. Those different ideals include things such as: Abortion and Contraception, the War, and other very liberal things. Because Notre Dame is a Catholic University, they feel that President Barack Obama's precense was rude and unwelcome since he is a democrat and that he represents things that the Catholic Church looks down upon. By the end of the day, she had been arrested.

Going back to the court case, I have been very successful in finding out information because the Roe vs. Wade case is still such a controversy and people still are fighting for and/or against it. This woman has some real guts for going around and getting arrested so many times. I am almost positive that it is such a hard thing to be in the media eye as a person that has no morals or is going to hell. And maybe it is not the media’s eyes but it is more so the people of the United States who have the idea in their head that she can’t be a good person because she believes in something that their God has “said” is punishable. It is just amazing to me that people are so hateful towards each other over something that they allow to rule over them. I do not believe faith is bad, but religion blinds people from things that in any other situation they would be so rational about. It's truly amazing what people will do to stand up for their beliefs.

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